Friday, 24 June 2011

The run for College Admissions

Its hat time of the year my friends, the run for College Admissions have begun, its time to go and start begging and pleading to colleges to take you in, but to no avail, so all those out there running around for college admissions don't feel lonely, its the same everywhere. This article does not apply to those people out there who have no social life what soever and probably lost their virginity to a book. its for blokes like me who actually have an interest in life, games sports and a social life! Where do people like us go? just because we don't get the best marks out there, like 99% n stuff doesn't really mean that we are not intelligent. Does scoring high marks in school exams only define our mental capacity?
Some great sports-persons use the most scientific of knowledge to play their sport, knowledge that they gain over practice, spending long hours perfecting their shots, strokes, and imperfections. But they may not be the brightest of students in class, bud does that classify them as stupid people, people who don't deserve a good education? is that how it works in this satanic world? Yes my friends Yes it does. Here a persons capacity is judged by not the degree they hold but from where they hold it. And the sad part of this pathetic story is that no one gives a dam!
 In India the cutoffs are kept as 60% but the colleges don't even look at people below a 90% what is the point of keeping such a cutoff? to give fake hope to children? to play with their minds? to show that they are being fair? there are sufficient movies playing in the cinema halls, you really don't need to put up a show for us!
There are barely any colleges which have provisions for sports persons but those that do sell their seats to the highest bidders, it is hardly bases on merit. For all those people like me, please don't keep hope, its no use, there are a thousand people to blow out your candle of hope but no one to provide you a match to relight it.
We all are proud Indians, proud of what I really don't know! 

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